
Meet our lovely team here to serve!

Photo of Staff Member
Ryan Wiesner
Photo of Staff Member
Kirstin Wiesner
Hudson Raath
Melissa Sinclair

About Us

Ryan Wiesner | Founder

During a morning walk, I was watching this surfer paddle out to the backline. The sea was rough and angry, with lines of whitewash coming at this poor guy like a freight train. As I watched, he was duck diving wave after wave after wave as they crashed down on his head. As soon he came up for air another wave would roll over him, forcing him backwards towards the shore. Because I was elevated on a hill I could see that the sets of waves coming in had almost passed.

At this point, I must have looked a real fool but I actually started cheering him on, even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. What’s so sad about this experience is that this tired and discouraged surfer eventually got out. If only he had hung in there for just a little bit longer. He would’ve had the time of his life. Many of us can sometimes feel like this in life as well as in our walks with God. We feel tired and disheartened, battling the waves of life all alone. We often find ourselves at the end of our tether and just can’t take on anymore whitewash.

This picture set me thinking, when we’re exhausted and all alone, especially in life threatening environments, what are we inclined to do? We often don’t persevere!

We get out! we give up, We quit!

Many of us sometimes feel like this in life as well as in our walks with God. We feel tired and disheartened, battling the crashing waves of life all alone. We often find ourselves at the end of our tether and just can’t gasp for breath and take on anymore whitewash.

We notice in the bible that when Peter had absolutely blown it! He’d betrayed Jesus and because of this he’d just given up, he got out of the water and returned to his old way of life. It’s in this place, that Jesus chooses to meet him and deeply encourage him,

Luke 22:32 says,“…when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers and sisters.”

And there’s the word strengthen. Jesus finds him, forgives him and restores him and then says “Now” go strengthen others. “Strengthen” was born out of this verse and our hope is that we could come alongside you to inspire you in your walk with God.

Who are we?
Kirstin Wiesner | Operations

We’re a husband and wife team with three young children. For us, the bible is the one sure guide in a very unsure world. Our hope is that we would help you trust in that too. With a small core group of volunteers around us, we’re asking God to help us achieve three things:

Firstly, we want to Strengthen your walk with God through a filming and editing process to make meaningful videos for you to engage with, whenever it suits you and find out what God might be saying to you.

Secondly, we exist to Strengthen groups of people, whether it be churches, organizations or companies participating in the movement of God across the globe.

Thirdly we want to Strengthen the weak. Over the last 10 or so years, we, like you I’m sure, have felt discouraged, disheartened and sometimes confused and yet as a family, we’ve seen God constantly strengthen us in this place. He’s provided for us and gently restored us. In honouring God’s provision to us, our ministry uses a percentage of its time and resources to strengthen the weak, whether it be individuals, groups, locally or anywhere around the world. We are constantly asking God to show us where we can strengthen those who are in need and partner with other non profit organisations to make a difference. God’s word is clear,

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. (Proverbs 3:9–10)

Our aim is to be a generous organisation by participating in aid, development and justice in our world.